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Friends of Fablecraft

A Wavechaser stands in front of her boat, with a potion in one hand and a parrot on her shoulder.

Hello, Friends!

Partner with us,
get 30% of sales

Are you a streamer, content creator, or game store owner? Apply for the Friends of Fablecraft program to get 30% of sales when buyers enter your unique code in our in-game Marketplace.

It’s easy for partners to earn revenue from every referral, thanks to our friends at Nexus. Simply create a Nexus account and request your code!

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A chubby little blue and green frog is blowing bubbles. It is ridiculously cute, though its purpose is unclear to both its creators and Fablecraft players alike.

Supporting Content Creators

Get your share of the spoils

A bright pink Decorator Crab holds out a shiny rock. Perhaps it wants to make a bargain?

Creators and streamers are a crucial part of our community, and we want to support you. Apply to become a Friend of Fablecraft, snag your code, and start sharing!

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Supporting Retailers

Are you a friendly local game store?

A counter at a local game store holds a printed sign that reads: Game of the Month: Tales of Fablecraft. Three Fablecraft stickers are fanned out beside it.

We’re passionate about supporting friendly local game stores, and we’d love to partner with you! Become a Friends of Fablecraft and promote Tales of Fablecraft in your store in exchange for a share of the revenue.

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Partner with us

Introduce Tales of Fablecraft to your community and start earning today!

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